Sinatra's Rat Pack Homes & Hangouts Bus Tour

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Come fly with us as we explore the Palm Springs homes and hangouts of the iconic Rat Pack and their era. The 1960s Rat Pack consisted of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr. Joey Bishop and Angie Dickinson were also regulars.

Hollywood and Las Vegas are where they worked and performed, but Palm Springs is where they relaxed, played, and partied. This 90-minute tour features the desert-Modern style homes of Rat Pack members and several of the hangouts that they frequented–many of which still exist.

We'll pass the desert homes of other celebrities of the Rat Pack era like Dinah Shore, Elvis Presley, Liberace, Desi Arnaz and Jack Benny.

Photo Credits: David A. Lee, Arianne Keens.

Location & Attendee Information

  • What are the appropriate ages for this activity?Person Ages 10 and older
  • Are pets, animals, or service animals permitted?Dog on a leash No pets, service animals with prior notification
  • What is required for check-in at this activity?Clipboard Early arrival for check-in required
  • Are food and drinks permitted?Food and drink No food or drinks, water encouraged
  • What are the mobility considerations for this activity?Person walking Seated activity
  • What type of parking is available?Car Public parking available
  • Is photography permitted?Camera Photography permitted
  • Are restrooms available?Restroom sign Limited restroom availability
  • Is this an indoor or outdoor activity?Sun Outdoor activity
  • What is the policy regarding smoking?Cigarette with smoke No smoking or e-cigarettes
  • What type of tour is this?Group of people Exterior views only
  • What type of ADA accessibility is available?Wheelchair Limited wheelchair accessibility

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